Saturday, April 20, 2013

Here we go, again.

We will follow a 6 week cycle of strength training followed by a 2 week cycle of CrossFit workouts. These workouts will get to most of your weaknesses and address those, and in time eliminate them. You can implement your own personal workout schedule, in relation to work days and rest days, but don't vary away from the template. Trust that this will allow for over all improvements for you prior to next year's CF Open season.
 Week 1
Day 1 Clean Grip Deadlifts off Risers 3,3,3,3
Muscle Snatch 3,3,3,3
Snatch Balance 1,1,1,1,1,1
Post loads and comments.

 Day 2
High Bar Back Squat 5,5,3,3,1,1
Jerk Balance 1,1,1,1,1,1
Weighted GHD Sit Ups 3 X 10 25#/15#
Weighted Ring Dips 8,8,8,8
Post loads and comments.

 Day 3
40 Minute Run
Post mileage and comments.

 Day 4
Hang Squat Clean 2,2,2,2
Good Mornings 8,8,8,8
Muscle Ups 20 minutes of technique work (Weighted, strict, max U/B)
Post loads and comments.

 Day 5
Bench Press 5 X 5
Behind the Neck Press 5 X 3 (Snatch Grip)
Weighted Pistols 5,5,5,5 each leg
Post loads and comments.

 Day 6
Snatch - Heavy Single
Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single

 Day 7
5k Row
Post time and comments.


  1. Vic- 385X3, 155X3, 175X1 Monday Day 1

    1. ring dip- up to 62#, 4x10 25# ghd.. no squat ankle injury

  2. Aaron Stone - 225x3 , 105x3 , 155x1

  3. Corey B.
    Day 1: 385x3, 165x3, 165x1

    Day 2: 285x5 315x3 345x1(PR), 235x1, RX GHD, 44KBx8

  4. Kyle L.

    DAY 1: 405X3, 135X3, 205X1

    DAY 2: 315X5, 315X3, 345X1(NO REP), 235X1, RX GHD, 44KBX8

  5. 225x1 , 135x1 jerk bal., Rx / 15# / 10# , 4x 28#

  6. Corey B.

    Day 3: Cuyamaca, Prospect, Magnolia, Fletcher, and back to the gym. 5.75 miles in 41:39

  7. Prospect to magnolia to Bradley back to the gym 4.35 miles 45 min.

  8. Corey B.

    Day 4: 245x2 265x1 (failed on second rep), 115x8, worked on unbroken m/u.

  9. Day 4: 165x2 185x2 205x1(failed 2nd rep) 200x2

    45x8 65x8 75x8 95x8

  10. Day 4: 265x2 275x1 (failed on 2) 135x8, weighted M/U 20#

  11. 165x2 , 95x8. Worked on kipping and false grip

  12. Day 5: 205x5, 225x3 - 115x3 - 53#x5 each leg

  13. Day 3- ankle jacked so did a 20 min row 5K, 175 calories on the Air Dyne-
    Day 4- hang squat clean- 225X2, 235X1 F on rep 2, 115X8 good mornings- 5 UB muscle ups, 4, 3,3,2,2,4 worked on waiting for the pull. Progress. Cheers

    1. Day 5- 265X5 bench press, 135X3 snatch grip behind the neck press, 53# X5 pistols

    2. Did 5k row- 1:55 pace 500 meters.. 19:11.. next time will go sub 19!
      Saturday did pr on Squat snatch- 165#PR.. then did 210 on Clean and jerk. Could not do split jerk because ankle is janky.

  14. Corey Brinkley

    Day 5: 265x5 Bench Press, 95x3 Shoulder Press (1 set, hurt my shoulders), 44KBx5 Pistols

  15. 135 x 5 bench
    95 x 3 snatch grip press
    26lb right leg
    0 lb left leg
    Day 5

  16. Corey Brinkley

    Day 6: 205# Power Snatch (PR) and 245 C&J, failed 265# split jerk (terrible technique, almost crushed my head)

    Day 7: 19:16 row

  17. Day 6: 205# squat snatch, 265# C&J

    Day 7: 20:15 Row

  18. Day 6
    145 pr snatch
    165 c&j though the last 20 minutes I was doing c&j I was trying 195 thinking it was 175.

  19. Day 6 5k row: 22:09 2:03 speed fluctuated from 2:00 to 2:20 per 500m

  20. Day 1: 135x3, 155x3/ 185x3/ 200x3
    53x3/ 63x3/ 73x3/ 78x3

    Day 2:135x5/ 155x5/ 185x3/ 205/ 210
    83/ 93/ 103/ 113/ 123/ 128
    Dips: no weight for 8 unbroken, no weight for 8 broken and 9# for 8 broken

    Day 3: 4.64 miles

    Day 4: accidentally did squat cleans 113x2/ 133x2/ 143x2/ 153x2
    63x8/ 73x8/ 83x8/ 93x8
    1 w/ 10#, 3 U/B no weight

    Day 5: 95x5
    12x5/ 16x5/ 30x5/ 35x5

    Day 6: 123

    Day 7: 21.32 time, 2:09 split @23SR

  21. Competitor Training

    Week 1
    Day 1 Clean Grip Deadlifts off Risers 3,3,3,3 (275#x3)
    Muscle Snatch 3,3,3,3 (95#x3)
    Snatch Balance 1,1,1,1,1,1 (125#)
    Post loads and comments.

    Day 2
    High Bar Back Squat 5,5,3,3,1,1 (225#x3) stopped because hip started hurting.
    Jerk Balance 1,1,1,1,1,1 (185#)
    Weighted GHD Sit Ups 3 X 10 25#/15#
    Weighted Ring Dips 8,8,8,8 (44#)
    Post loads and comments.

    Day 3
    40 Minute Run (6.5miles in 45 min)
    Post mileage and comments.

    Day 4
    Hang Squat Clean 2,2,2,2 (225# x 1)
    Good Mornings 8,8,8,8 (115#)
    Muscle Ups 20 minutes of technique work (Weighted, strict, max U/B)
    Post loads and comments.

    Day 5
    Bench Press 5 X 5 (165#)
    Behind the Neck Press 5 X 3 (95#) (Snatch Grip)
    Weighted Pistols 5,5,5,5 each leg (35#kb)
    Post loads and comments.

    Day 6
    Snatch - Heavy Single (150#)
    Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single
    Day 7
    5k Row (18:31)
    Post time and comments.
